Louis Vuitton Neverfull Replica Fake Or Original? Be An Expert on Spottin Fake Replicas
A pre-loved Louis Vuitton is the perfect, inexpensive alternative to a new one. Unfortunately, the market is flooded with plagiarisms, so it’s not that easy to distinguish an original Louis Vuitton bag from a fake. So how can you be sure that the object of desire is really a good investment?
General information about the brand Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton can only be purchased directly from an official Louis Vuitton store or online at www.louisvuitton.com There is no Louis Vuitton Outlet! No items have ever been reduced since the company was founded. On the contrary, annual price increases are the rule.
So be careful when it says “the bag was bought on holiday” or at online shops that offer new bags at a greatly reduced price.
But the situation is different in marketplaces. With a little luck you can get a real bargain there.
Our tips for you to buy a used Louis Vuitton bag
The overall impression counts
Don’t get your hands on offers that promise an original bag for 200 euros that was supposedly bought for 800 euros. Louis Vuitton bags in good condition do not have such a big loss in value.
It is always the subtleties that distinguish an original from a fake.
The comparison
Monogram Canvas, probably the most famous pattern with the golden brown letters L and V, very striking and therefore loved by many.
For the Monogram Canvas bags vinyl-soaked cotton fabric is used as the main material and not leather, as often assumed. This coating makes the material very hard-wearing, water-repellent and does not fear scratches compared to leather.
Original vs. Fake
(Modell Original Delightfull vs. Luxurytastic’s Neverfull replica)
- monogram
- Matt surface
- Structure of the surface is horizontal
- Monogram applied in strips with course from bottom left to top right
- The colour of the monogram can vary slightly depending on the model, age and use. Often the colour is a little weaker than the one shown above.
- Material becomes softer with the use of softer and more malleable
- Highly glossy/reflective surface
- Structure often too coarse or fine
- Monogram often printed on smooth surface, irregular or tattered edges
- Colour of monogram often too strong/ very yellow
- Material often very stiff and strong and remains mostly unchanged despite use
- pocket edge
- The edge of the bags is usually cut off at the “flowers”, almost never at the LV
- Monogram upside down is unavoidable with continuous canvas (e.g. Speedy) and is no indication of fake.
- Edge of the bag is often cut off at the LV
- Monogram crooked cut at the edge or badly sewn
- leather parts / edge sealing
- Material: untreated genuine leather, in new condition mostly very bright (almost white), which darkens slowly due to sunlight and use (forms a patina)
- Edges of the leather parts sealed in a (brownish) wine red. There are also slight colour variations from bag to bag.
- Material: dyed leather or imitation leather, the colour never changes, often looks like plastic.
- Edges often in a bright red, orange or completely absent
- embossing
- Should occur at least once, whether inside or outside. The spelling may vary depending on the age of the bag. There are also bags Made in Spain or USA.
- The logo is always centered and easy to read.
- Fittings: Louis Vuitton is engraved on all fittings and easy to read.
Vintage models:
- Models from the 80s have no zippers with brand engraving, but come from the zipper manufacturers YKK or Eclair.
- Many parts are made of brass, which can turn greenish over time. This can be removed with a special cleaning agent.
- Embossing: skewed placement, letters or spacing uneven and poorly legible
- Fitting: colour peels off, logo not neatly engraved, difficult to read and very angular
- Futter
- Lining made of solid material, depending on model and pattern in beige, brown or red. The lining always lies flat on the surface.
- Older models also partly have a leather-like material that dissolves over time and becomes sticky.
The lining is often made of very soft material, it has wrinkles and colour variations.
- seams
- The seams are always straight and evenly spaced from the embossed line below the seam. Outside and inside look identical with open pockets without closure.
- Seam is crooked, embossed line often printed in dark colour. Protruding threads, knots or crooked labels.
- accessories/ invoice cardboard
- Corners and edges without visible traces of glue, the Louis Vuitton brand is printed with a small indentation on the lid and is always centered.
- Simply printed on, letters often crooked, adhesive residues visible
- Dust bag
- made of a thick, yellow fabric, the logo is also always straight and placed in the middle
- older models until 2003 have a light brown dust bag with the imprint “LV” in the middle
- Crooked cut, crooked seams, other colour
- The invoice looks identical worldwide
- The paper is in light yellow and has a vertical corrugation, which can be felt when driving your finger over it.
- Format is shorter than DIN A4 and always folded in the middle
- In the unrecognisable place at the bottom left is the purchase with name and address.
- A registered customer at Louis Vuitton can easily receive a duplicate invoice at any time.
- Simple paper, incorrect formatting and formatting
- Frequent excuse that the bag was bought in another country and therefore it looks different
Serial number
The serial number/data code indicates when and where the bag was made. Since 1990 it consists of two letters and a 4-digit number sequence and is usually in a very hidden place. It is either attached to a leather label, which is usually easier to find, or punched directly onto the inner lining (leather), which is more difficult to find.
The datacode is read as follows:
Older models:
Letters = place of production
1.+3. digit = month
2.+4. digit = year
Newer models:
Letters = place of production
1.+3. digit = calendar week
2.+4. digit = year
The serial number/data code is usually placed in a very obvious place or in a different place than the original.
You’re still unsure?
It is an interplay of all the criteria listed, because almost all counterfeits have a serial number, carton and dust bag. Sometimes they have a certificate of authenticity, which does not exist at all, or even a fake invoice.
If you want to be sure to get a real Louis Vuitton item, buy a certified item from our concierge service!